
    Housing First and Foremost

    Expert Focus is proud to be part of a group of organisations that will be research Housing First over the next three years.

    In my opinion, (not necessarily shared by others in that research team) housing first should be default for ALL homeless people, we should be exploring avenues which resolves the homelessness issue. Sadly, history tells us that homelessness isn’t a short stay event, rough sleeping followed by building based processes can and often does mean a journey through homelessness can last for years.

    Housing First and not Housing Eventually, would have much better outcomes for the individual, and for the bean counters, will save money.

    A while ago I was privileged to interview Dr Sam Tsemberis (the Godfather of Housing First) over Zoom. His passion, insight, and extent of his knowledge makes this one of the best introductions to the concept of Housing First you will need.


    And here is a blog post from the HSCWRU newsletter

    Keeping “Everybody in” – the need to move from hotels to Housing First